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Strive4 Academy Trust

Striving for excellence...



Strive4 Academy Trust is a partner of Best Practice Network and delivers high quality training for those looking to enhance and further their career.


NPQs: Reformed for 2021

The reformed National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a suite of DfE accredited qualifications for school leaders, designed to support professional development - helping school leaders and teachers become more effective.

All of the qualifications are based on brand new NPQ Frameworks which draw from the very latest evidence and research and complete the golden thread, running from initial teacher training through to school leadership, rooting teacher and school leader development in the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession. 

These qualifications have recently been reformed; the previous four options have now become six. While three leadership NPQs remain, we now offer three specialist NPQs for middle leaders, with a focus on expertise in specific areas. This to better prepare teachers and leaders for the next step in their chosen career path.


Please click to find out more or to apply for a NPQ through Strive4 Academy Trust.


National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership - led by Strive 4 Heads and Affiliated Headteachers

National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development - led by Strive4 Senior Leaders

National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching - led by Strive4 Senior Leaders

National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture - led by Strive4 Senior Leaders




Teachers and leaders employed in state funded schools and state funded organisations that offer 16-19 places in England are eligible for fully funded DfE NPQ scholarships. The scholarships cover the full cost of the qualification and there is no limit to how many scholarships can be awarded to a single school. Simply apply for the NPQ of your choice and we will then apply to the DfE for the scholarship on your behalf. 

To view the full range of NPQ scholarships and funding pathways available please visit NPQ Funding 2021



We offer three Apprenticeship with NPQ programmes which come with either the full NPQSL, NPQH or NPQEL. These apprenticeships offer extra support and training and lead to participants being awarded an extra recognised apprenticeship standard as well as the full NPQ - funding for these programmes comes by way of the Apprenticeship Levy.  The following Apprenticeships with NPQs are available:

Strive4 Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales registered number: 10863245.
Registered Address: Strive4 Academy Trust, Ray Lodge Primary School, Snakes Lane East, Woodford Green, IG8 7JQ
